There are many homes that continue to be unprepared for the extreme heat. Some summers in the U.S. can become so hot that people end up becoming seriously injured by heat-related illness. Heat stroke is a very serious medical heat-related illness that can occur with anyone who has been exposed to extreme heat for long periods of time. According to the CDC, statistics found that there are an average of more than 658 people in the United States who end up losing their lives to heat stroke every year. The victims of heat stroke can range from younger adolescents, teenagers and elderly adults. Surprisingly, teenagers have been known to have high rates of heat stroke since they spend a significant amount of time outdoors in the sun during the summer time. Elderly adults have also been known to become victims of heat stroke because of their inability to properly withstand extreme heat, they become prone to many heat-related illness. If you currently have an air conditioner, but it has not been serviced for awhile, you may want to consider having it serviced or repaired in order to properly prepare your home for the extreme heat to come.
According to, studies show that there has been a significant rise in the number of people dying from heat stroke since the year 2000. The elderly generation is still responsible for making up most of the heat stroke deaths in the United States. Sadly, there are many households that continue to stay unprepared for the extreme heat, leaving their elderly loved ones to be at risk for developing a heat-related illness. In addition, teenagers and young adults have also been known to have high levels of heat stroke during the extreme heat. The reason that so many elderly adults become at risk for heat stroke is simply because their bodies are not able to properly regulate temperature as well as they used to once do when they were younger. also, another huge factor to why elderly becomes at such a high risk for developing heat stroke has to do with the fact that many of them are taking medication to possibly cause dehydration. A combination of extreme heat and medication definitely do not work very well.
In order to properly protect your loved ones in the household, preparing your home is one of the best ways to do so. If you currently have a cooling system already in place, but have not performed any maintenance on it then you may want to consider contacting a professional to take care of that for you before the extreme heat hits. You can take time to conduct some research online to finding your nearest AC repair contractor by looking up any ac repair services mansfield oh.
Preparing your home for the extreme heat should be one of your top to-do tasks on your list. If you have children or elderly in the home, you want to make this a priority. Preparing your home for the extreme heat can reduce the risks of someone becoming seriously injured during the summer season.