Finding the right agent is as important as finding the buyer who will be wiling to shell out your asking price. If you are too focused on the possibility of paying a big commission to the real estate Olathe KS agent you are going to hire, know that a good agent will offer more than what is worth his or her rate. The agent will recommend the right price for your property to begin with. As mentioned earlier, setting the price will make or break the deal. If the house is overpriced, fewer prospects will take interest in it. The house will sit on the market for too long to create doubts. These agents know how to hit the right balance, because they may have worked with hundreds, if not thousands of home sellers like you.
Getting your house ready for the ultimate sale – the staging process – is a thing that most real estate agents are well-versed and experienced in. Even if you have personally done all the “dirty work”( de-cluttering, cleaning, repairing and packing up), your agent will likely offer information and advice about what will work and what won’t from the buyers’ viewpoint.
A reliable and trustworthy agent who is also a people’s person can effectively and efficiently handle your marketing needs. This is a key factor in making the buyers aware of your presence in the market. Your agent will advertise online on various websites, MLS listings and relevant portals ensuring that these places contain exceptional pictures of the house and 360 degree video tour. They will spread the word out to other agents and their clients, give out flyers, make and take calls from prospects, and above all, bring them in for a showing. He or she will create yard signs for various sale transitions (for sale, open house, pending, sold and so on) as well. The agent will devise flexible viewing schedules for potential home buyers and their agents, making it easy for them to access the house, provide complete information about neighborhood, nearby facilities, schools, transportation and much else.
Whatever state you live in, the region, county or city the house is located, there are certain norms and compliance that you have to adhere to when selling a house. The state may require that home sellers disclose these norms to potential buyers. No one is better in doing this task than your real estate agent. Your agent is the one qualified and experienced in making sure that the seller’s contingencies and those that are standard to the specific area, region, county and state are met. The agent will then coordinate the tasks with the buyers and their agents if necessary.
An agent you are seeking should have a salesperson’s license and not necessarily a broker’s license. A broker is someone who you may rarely see during the sale process because it is the agent that you interact with. And it is the agent who has weathered other market conditions and hence knows how to sell in a rough and tough market. Finding the right agent is therefore a crucial step in house selling.